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  • Writer's pictureKelly Saverino

Keeping the Planet in Mind During the Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused everyone to change their daily habits and adopt some new ones, such as wearing a mask when in public or around others. It is important that we work together to reduce the spread of the virus, but we must do so without polluting the planet. Many people are wearing disposable masks and gloves and then dropping them in parking lots, parks, beaches ... just about everywhere. These disposable items are not biodegradable and are harming wildlife by polluting their habitats like the ocean. Even when disposed of correctly, disposable masks are building up in our landfills. Researchers at the University of London found that 66,000 metric tons of plastic waste would be produced if everyone in the UK wore a disposable mask every day for a year, plus 57,000 metric tons of packaging. Crazy right?? However, the average person can reduce their landfill contribution by opting to wear a reusable mask when possible. Reusable masks can be easily made or purchased for pretty reasonable prices, washed after a few uses, and worn again. That way we are all doing our part to protect each other and the planet!

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